Jemele Hill Says Racism Is Real Reason People Hate Athletes Talking Politics

Jemele Hill says athletes speaking out about important issues wasn’t a problem for centuries in the U.S. — but when Black athletes started using their platform to talk politics, everything changed.

The veteran sports journalist and activist joined us Thursday on “TMZ Live” … and, she tells us even George Washington used sports to talk politics when he was running for office — plying guests with alcohol and playing competitive games to win their votes.

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Hill says that’s just one interesting anecdote she digs into for the first episode of her new podcast “Spolitics” — and adds, famous athletes are still just citizens, so they’ve got every right to speak their minds about how they’re voting.

JH says there’s a long history of this, but when Black athletes finally broke the color barrier in major professional sports, people flipped the script — calling the rhetoric divisive.

Hill often speaks out about political issues, dating back to 2017, when she called then-President Donald Trump a “white supremacist.” She left ESPN shortly after, later blasting the workplace’s “conservative culture.”

Now, she’ll further explore the intersection between sports and politics on “Spolitics” … when debuts on October 17. She and Cari Champion also cohost the Vice TV series “Cari & Jemele (Won’t) Stick to Sports.”

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As for whether there’s anyone in sports big enough to really turn the tide in politics like Taylor Swift might with her endorsement of Kamala Harris … Jemele mentions one name in particular — watch the clip to hear who she thinks has the pull to spark a sports-politics FEVER.

Anyhoo … she’s encouraging athletes to keep speaking out on politics, and telling fans to rethink the whole “divisive” label.