Sid Wilson Details Burn Pile Injuries, Still Performing Sunday

Sid Wilson’s getting right back on the horse … saying he ain’t missing Slipknot’s show this Sunday — even though he’s still reeling from a bonfire gone very wrong.

The Slipknot DJ stopped by “TMZ Live” Friday to discuss his recent up close and personal encounter with a fire that heavily burned his arms and face in Iowa … telling us he didn’t take as many safety measures as he should have.


Instagram / @sidthe3rd

Wilson says he knew to keep the gas can away from the fire, to park his vehicle far away from the flames and a host of other fire safety tricks … but, he got too impatient and didn’t put enough distance between himself and the fire.

Bad move, Sid says … ’cause the fire shot up and burned him — resulting in the star driving himself to the ER, all while he watched the skin on his arms peel away.


Instagram / @sidthe3rd

We figured Sid would have to skip his next performance with the band … but, he’s telling us that ain’t the case — he’s playing with the group in Oklahoma on Sunday.

As for how he’s fitting into his iconic mask with a face still sporting some massive burns, SW says a bunch of gel to make sure nothing sticks, and he should be good to go.


Sid’s longtime GF Kelly Osbourne … gave him a ton of guff over blowing himself up BTW … saying this is why people shouldn’t “f*** with bonfires” — but, Sid says she’s taken great care of him in the aftermath.

Watch the clip until the end to hear all the stuff Nurse Kelly has to do … sounds like it ain’t for the squeamish.

kelly osbourne sid wilson sub
Anyhoo … looks like Sid’s ready to set the stage on fire Sunday — figuratively this time, we